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The Force Annual Shooting Competition 2024 cum Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) 180th Anniversary Challenge Cup was held on April 20. 250 regular and auxiliary officers joined the competition, in which 61 of them made their debut for the New Entry Trophy. Commissioner Siu Chak-yee, Director of National Security Kong Hok-lai, Commandant of Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force Yang Joe-tsi, Chairperson of Police Sports Council Chan Sze-tat and Chairperson of Hong Kong Police Shooting Club (PSC) Chu Man-lung attended to give support to the marksmen.

To celebrate the 180th anniversary of the Force, the 180th Anniversary Challenge Cup was introduced this year. Four elite shooters from each major Formation had to hit the numbers “1”, “8” and “0” on three paper targets within the time limit. Their ranking was decided according to their shooting speed and accuracy.

PSC will organise a series of revolver and pistol courses for Force members, their family members and civilian officers in summer. Please refer to the Force Notice Board for details.

Force marksmen competing for the trophies.
Force marksmen competing for the trophies.