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The Electronic Traffic Enforcement (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2023 was passed in Legislative Council (LegCo) on June 19. The Force plans to gradually implement the electronic fixed penalty notices (FPNs) in 2025 and roll out the eTraffic Ticket Platform (the platform) by phases. To facilitate LegCo members’ in-depth understanding of its preparation work, the Force invited the Chairman Dr Chan Han-pan, members Mr Yick Chi-ming and Mr Lau Ip-keung of the LegCo Panel on Transport as well as LegCo member Ms Chan Kapui to visit the Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ) on June 24 to learn about the new platform and procedure of serving electronic FPNs.

Assistant Commissioner (Support) (ACP SUP) Au Wing-leung led officers to brief the LegCo members on the preparation work for the digitalisation, as well as demonstrating the platform website and mobile app. The website would provide one-stop services for members of the public to facilitate vehicle owners and drivers checking electronic FPNs and settling penalties by means of electronic payment at any time. The LegCo members actively shared opinions with the officers, hoping to enhance the overall efficiency of traffic enforcement through the application of technology for facilitating the Smart Mobility initiatives.

To accommodate the procedural changes brought by the digitalisation of FPNs, TBHQ will update the Force’s mobile apps “e525” and “e570” in due course, and organise training workshops for frontline personnel.

LegCo members share opinions with ACP SUP Au Wing-leung (first right) and Force members.
LegCo members share opinions with ACP SUP Au Wing-leung (first right) and Force members.