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To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP), the Recruitment Division (RECDIV) held the first PMP Mess Night at the Officers’ Mess in the School of Foundation Training of the Police College on July 12. Over 140 mentors and mentees from all five chapters, namely Hong Kong, Mainland, Overseas, Tertiary and Diploma of Applied Education, attended the Mess Night.

During the dinner, PMP Head Mentor Chan Man-tak recalled the history of PMP and its development. He fully affirmed the importance of PMP in cultivating talents. There were only 30 mentors and 100 mentees from local universities at the beginning but PMP has grown significantly to 781 mentors and 2 246 mentees at present. PMP now covers all students from post-secondary institutions who meet the academic requirements to join the Force after graduation. He also thanked previous and current mentors for their selfless dedication, which has facilitated heritance of the Force’s fine culture.

The dinner programme upheld the Force’s traditions, with the “Toast to PMP” led by the youngest mentee present and “Trooping the Duck” led by another mentee, to provide a unique and unforgettable experience for the mentees.

RECDIV will improve the quality and standards of PMP continuously by employing proactive recruitment strategies to attract more students from tertiary institutions to join the Force after graduation.

RECDIV holds a Mess Night in celebration of the 20th anniversary of PMP.
RECDIV holds a Mess Night in celebration of the 20th anniversary of PMP.
PMP Head Mentor Chan Man-tak (second right) leads the Police Band in the traditional ceremony.
PMP Head Mentor Chan Man-tak (second right) leads the Police Band in the traditional ceremony.
PMP Head Mentor Chan Man-tak (third right) leads mentors and mentees to start the Mess Night.
PMP Head Mentor Chan Man-tak (third right) leads mentors and mentees to start the Mess Night.
A mentee leads the tradition“Trooping the Duck”.
A mentee leads the tradition“Trooping the Duck”.