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The 17th Hong Kong Youth Military Summer Camp was held at the San Wai Barracks in Fanling between July 14 and 20. 480 students from 130 secondary schools joined the seven-day military training. 20 officers from the Force served as volunteering supervisors of the summer camp to set good examples for the trainees and demonstrate the values of the Force. As a guest speaker on moral education, Commissioner Siu Chak-yee told the trainees the importance of “setting goals” and “finding a sense of accomplishment” at work. Deputy Commissioner (National Security) Kan Kai-yan also attended the opening ceremony to witness the students’ pledge.

The summer camp was co-organised by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison, the Education Bureau and the Concerted Efforts Resource Centre, aiming to let the trainees experience the life of PLA Hong Kong Garrison, train in discipline and understand the military development of our nation.

Deputy Commissioner (National Security) Kan Kai-yan (centre) and volunteers from the Force attend the opening ceremony.
Deputy Commissioner (National Security) Kan Kai-yan (centre) and volunteers from the Force attend the opening ceremony.