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Traffic Kowloon West (T KW) has been partnering with the Transport Department (TD) and driving schools since 2022 to initiate a pilot programme for enhancing the contents of the Driving Improvement Course. Road Safety Team (RST) officers analyse traffic accidents with the course attendees during sharing sessions, emphasising the importance of cautious driving attitudes. Nearly 80 sharing sessions have been conducted hitherto. Starting from June this year, the programme has been expanded to include professional drivers, explaining to participants of TD’s Pre-Service Courses for public service vehicle drivers about their responsibility to ensure safety of citizens’ commute.

Officers also explained the salient points of safety in Hong Kong’s road environment to drivers under the Labour Importation Scheme for Transport Sector to enhance their understanding of Hong Kong’s road design and traffic regulations so as to reduce the risk of accidents. Moreover, T KW officers also collaborated with the Kowloon Motor Driving Instructors’ Association to share common traffic accidents and violations among holders of Probationary Driving Licences. The officers also collaborated with the industry to put reflective road safety stickers on large vehicles to remind drivers to keep a safe following distance.

To uphold the Selected Traffic Enforcement Priorities 2024, T KW will continue to promote road safety awareness through multi-agency collaboration for creating a community with zero road accidents.

Drivers are encouraged to put reflective road safety stickers on large vehicles.
Drivers are encouraged to put reflective road safety stickers on large vehicles.