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The Hong Kong Police Golfing Society (HKPGS) held the Police 180th Anniversary Golf Championship cum Honorary Vice-President (HVP) Cup at the Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course on December 12, 2024. Over 40 police players and four HVPs, namely Dr Yim Yuk-lun, Mr Lee Man-yick, Mr Wong Leung-pak and Mr Leung Sai-kong, competed for the prizes.
The golfers displayed a high level of skill on the day. Station Sergeant of Hong Kong Island
Li Yuk-har won the championship title, while the HVP Cup was won by Dr Yim Yuk-lun’s team. The Chairman of HKPGS cum District Commander of Eastern District Chan Tin-chu praised the golfers’ superb skills and sportsmanship at the awards presentation ceremony, and expressed sincere gratitude to the four HVPs for their support to the Force and HKPGS.