24 Police singled out under new honours and awards system for disciplined services

A NEW system of honours and awards has been approved by Hong Kong's Chief Executive to give recognition to meritorious and long service rendered by officers of the disciplined services. The new system comprises three categories: the Distinguished Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal and Long Service Medal and Clasps.

Hong Kong's Chief Executive will personally be honouring members of the Force later this year by handing out one Bronze Bauhinia Star, one Hong Kogn Police Medal for Distinguished Service, and 21 Hong Kong Police Medals for Meritorious Service.

This is the first full honours list since the reunification.

Distinguished Service Medals are available for directorate officers in the five major disciplined services in recognition of their exceptional and meritorious service to the community. The five major disciplined services are Hong Kong's Police, Fire, Immigration, Customs and Excise, and Correctional services.

Meritorious Service Medals can be awarded to officers of all ranks from the five major disciplined services for valuable service characterised by resourcefulness and devotion to duty marked by exceptional ability, merit and exemplary conduct.

Long Service Medals and Clasps will be awarded to officers with exemplary character and conduct who have completed years of satisfactory service.

Police officers who have been awarded decorations of medals by the People's Republic of China or the Hong Kong SAR of the People's Republic of China will wear them when attending the following ceremonies of functions in uniform: State ceremonies; non-Force ceremonial parades; official funerals and memorial services; Guards of Honour; Force ceremonial parades, excluding medal presentations; Force funerals with full honours ;on other occasions as ordered ;and at mess or other social functions where uniform is worn, such as balls(when miniatures will be worn).

Unless the Commissioner of Police directs otherwise, officers who have been awarded decorations or medals by the previous sovereign power, or decorations or medals awarded by other foreign governments and permitted by the previous sovereign power to be worn, may wear them in addition to any decorations or medals mentioned earlier, when attending the following internal Force ceremonies or functions in uniform: Force ceremonial parades, excluding recipients at medal presentations; Force funerals with full honours; on other occasions as ordered ;and at mess or other social functions where mess uniform is worn, such as balls (when miniatures will be worn).

On occasions when police officers are not wearing decorations or medals, they will wear the ribbons of all awards made by the People's Republic of China or the Hong Kong SAR of the People's Republic of China. They may also wear the ribbons of awards given by the previous sovereign power, awards by other foreign governments permitted by the previous sovereign power to be worn, and awards by foreign governments made after 1 July 1997.

The Commissioner's directive of wearing decorations and medals as well as medal ribbons has been stipulated in the Force Procedure Manual which will be disseminated on the Reference Material computer system shortly.

1998 Honours List


Lee Ming-kwai
Lee Ming-kwai is awarded the
Chief Executive's Commendation
for Government Service. Mr Lee
is now a Senior Assistant
Commissioner of Police who
has served in the Force for over
25 years.


Chau Foo-cheong
Mr Chau is awarded the Hong Kong Police Medal for Distinguished Service in recognition of his outstanding performance and dedicated service in the Hong Kong Police Force. He is now an Assistant Commissioner of Police and has served in the Force for over 28 years.


Wong Leung Kam-shan, Felicia
Mrs Wong is awarded the BBS for her dedicated and meritorious service in the Hong Kong Police Force. She is currently an Assistant Commissioner of Police and has served 36 years with the Government.


These officers are awarded the Hong Kong Police Medal for Meritorious Service for their exemplary and devoted service in the Hong Kong Police Force

Tang King-shing
Mr Tang is a Chief Superintendent who has served with the police for 22 years.

Kevan Cooper
Mr Cooper is a Chief Superintendent who has served in the Force for over 22 years.

Bonnie Smith,Yee-lo
Mrs Smith is now a Chief Superintendent who has served in the Force for 25 years.

Ng Chee-kin
Mr Ng is a Chief Superintendent who has served in the Force for over 28 years.

Au Ka-hing
Mr Au is a Chief Superintendent who has served in the police for over 25 years.

Tang Kam-moon
Mr Tang is a Chief Superintendent who has served in the police for over 18 years.

Au Hok-lam
Mr Au is a Senior Superintendent who has served in the police for over 27 years.

Brian John Heard
Mr Heard is a Senior
Superintendent who has served in the police for over 21 years.

Chu Wing-hong
Mr Chu is a Senior Superintendent who has served in the Force for over 29 years.

Chan Chin-cheung
Mr Chan is a Senior Superintendent who has served in the police for over 26 years.

Paul Janvrin Deal
Mr Deal is a Senior Superintendent who has served in the police for over 31 years.

Ko Chi-ming
Mr Ko is a Senior Superintendent who has served in the police for more than 30 years.

Chik Ki-yan
Mr Chik is a Superintendent who has served in the Force for over 27 years.

David Allan Whyte
Mr Whyte is a Superintendent who has served in the police for over 25 years.

Lee Hung-kai
Mr Lee is a Chief Inspector who has served in the Force for over 21 years.

Lo Chuen-man
Mr Lo is a Senior Inspector who has served in the police for more than 29 years.

Ngai Fung-yee
Mr Ngai is an Inspector who has served in the police for over 31 years.

Ho Chi-chiu
Mr Ho is a Station Sergeant who has served in the Force for over 29 years.

Ma Chik-man
Mr Ma is a Station Sergeant who has served in the Force for over 28 years.

Liu Lau Yuk-chun
Mrs Liu is a Station Sergeant who has served in the police for more than 27 years.

Yiu Mook-ting
Mr Yiu is a Station
Sergeant who has served
in the Force for
over 23 years.

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