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Marine Police give demonstration

Marine West Division displayed their skills to other disciplined services staff during a demonstration at the Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal and Chek Lap Kok fire boat station on June 15.

Officers from the Customs and Excise, Fire Services and Immigration departments based at the terminal were given a briefing from both Marine Region and Western Division staff, and a demonstration of operational and life saving equipment used on the latest launches and in the Small Boat Unit.

Tools of the trade: Guests examine a host of Marine Police equipment
"The visit allowed the other government departments which we usually come into contact with to learn our capability in responding to major incidents as well as anti-illegal immigrant patrols," said District Commander of Marine Outer Waters Senior Superintendent Gilbert Jorge, who officiated the event.

"It also provided an opportunity to improve interdepartmental co-ordination."

The return visit was arranged after Marine West officers toured the airport and trade terminal facilities earlier in the year as part of their training.

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