Tsuen Wan search lights dull burglaries
 Caught ! Burglars and other prowlers have been having a hard time evading the Police in Tsuen Wan of late. Their 'spotlight' has been on a new and simple piece of equipment which has left culprits scampering for the cover of darkness, but to little avail.
 Bright idea: CIP Bernard Fu shows the powerful new search light which is proving a pain for burglars | High-powered search lights and other measures to ward off burglaries in Tsuen Wan have proven successful with a drop in cases since the end of last year.The measures taken by Tsuen Wan Division have seen a 10 per cent decrease in daytime burglaries in the area, with a similar fall recorded at night also. Beat officers use the search lights while patrolling back alleys, making it impossible for burglars to hide behind rubbish and air-conditioners. Tsuen Wan Assistant Divisional Commander (Operations) Bernard Fu Chu-kan said: "The American-made search light weighs less than two kilograms yet it's seven times more powerful than ordinary torches. Officers can hang them on their belts and carry them wherever they go." Easy to use and requiring little maintenance, the lights have been well-received by officers since their introduction late last year and have become a must for night shifts. The search lights are also being used in the area's housing estates after officers recommended them to residents and management companies, as part of on-going Police community relations work. Officers also briefed residents and management companies on other anti-crime measures such as closed-circuit TV and alarms. They were told diligent and responsible caretakers were also essential for good building security.
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