Programme increases trainees' interpersonal skills
 "Ahoy, me hearties!": A trainee instructs his 'crew' of youngsters from a special school during a day of sailing | Trainees working with a wider sector of society have enhanced their communication and interpersonal skills under a training scheme to upgrade service quality. The Community Interface Programme was introduced in June last year to give Recruit Police Constables and Probationary Inspectors the experience they needed to provide top service to all areas of the community and to adapt themselves to the fast-changing society. Trainees went through a two-day community-service programme through which they met people less fortunate. The Recruit Police Constable Training Division conducted seven sessions up to June, with participants working with the mentally and physically handicapped, and the elderly. The sessions provided valuable experience to the trainees as many had had little contact with that sector of society previously. They culminated recently in officers inviting a group of kids from a special school aboard a yacht for a fun day's sailing. Feedback on the programme's effectiveness from trainees, instructors, social workers and the service recipients was very favourable. Of the trainees taking part, about 80 per cent said the activities shed a new light on their understanding of the less fortunate and made improvements to their own communication and interpersonal skills. They also agreed the programme helped boost teamwork.
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