Police TV Programmes TV & Films Section Police Public Relations Branch |
Police Magazine(警訊)(broadcast October 9 to 11) |
Part I: |
1. Street Level Deception Feature 街頭行騙案特輯 |
Part II: |
1. Robbery (Person Injuried) in Ngau Tau Kok (NTK RN 99012510) 行 案(牛頭角-扑頭) |
2. TAPI-Fatal in Shau Kei Wan (T HKIRN 99012617) 交通意外-有人死亡(筲箕灣-太安街) |
3. Appeal for two missing persons in Wong Tai Sin (RMPU)
(WTS RN 99004408 & SK RN 99005372) 黃大仙失蹤人口案呼籲 |
4. Regional (New Territories) Fight Crime Campaign Publicity - "Anti-Triads" 新界區滅罪運動之「新界九區反黑運動」 |
5. Hotline for District Councils Election 區議會選舉反罪惡熱線 |
Police Report(英文警訊)(broadcast October 9 to 10) 1. Explosion of Gas Canister (PH RN 99006797) 雪種爆炸案 |