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Reaching out to younger kids

Pretty in pink . . . and blue: Sham Shui Po officers pay a visit to kindergarten kids, explaining the duties and work of police. Pic: Sing Tao

Sham Shui Po District has launched a scheme helping young people develop positive values towards life by reaching them at a younger age.

On October 13, uniformed officers visited two kindergartens in the district to introduce to children the role and work of Police.

"We believe teaching the younger generation to have a positive life philosophy and to stay away from crime should start at early childhood, that is why we have decided to visit kindergartens," said the District's Police Community Relations Officer Pang Yiu-nam.

"These visits can also reflect a positive image of the Police."

The District is also actively planning the establishment of a scout group which will be open to children with problems in schooling and family life.

For youngsters under the supervision of the Superintendent's Discretion Scheme, the District has a Youth Action Network to provide counselling and assistance.

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