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Cross-border first

Vehicular ferry: CSP Lee Ka-chiu (second left) receives the returned cars

Stolen Hong Kong cars were returned to Police by Fujian authorities recently, marking the first such operation held with the province.

The four luxury cars, worth about $3 million, were handed over at Maweigang in Fuzhou by the Fujian Public Security Bureau on October 14. They were reported stolen in January and were later located in Fujian in March as a result of intelligence provided by the Force.

Taking custody of the vehicles, Organised Crime and Triad Bureau Chief Superintendent Lee Ka-chiu said the seizure exemplified the co-operation between the Force and Mainland authorities. Over 160 stolen vehicles have been returned by the Guangdong PSB since 1991. Mr Lee said continued intelligence exchange and close co-operation would keep up action on cross-border crime.

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