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New editor takes up OffBeat reins

Seat swap: Departing Polly Leung with new Editor Lam Fai

The OffBeat team recently gave a teary farewell to its Editor Polly Leung who will move to the Environmental Protection Department in November.

She will head the Department's Media Relations Unit as Principal Information Officer.

Polly said her time at OffBeat was a top learning experience and she would miss the paper and its team.

"I've had a very happy time working on OffBeat, particularly through the transition into its new look."

Filling the Editor's chair since September 27 has been Lam Fai who transferred from the Regional Services Department where he was a Senior Information Officer.

He has broad experience in the Information Services Department which includes stints compiling several publications, such as the Fire Services Department's newsletter The Elite. He also oversaw the Regional Council's 1998/99 Annual Report.

"OffBeat is a great paper and I'm looking forward to working on it and working alongside Asia's Finest," he said.

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