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September safety

September saw all Regions launch a series of crime prevention activities emphasising awareness on pickpockets, indecent assaults, falling objects and home safety.

Crime Prevention and Police Community Relations officers, along with other formations, visited schools, housing estates, shopping centres, hospitals and restaurants.

They distributed leaflets, souvenirs, erected posters and roving exhibitions, and also conducted seminars and video shows.

MTR District started a week-long campaign on September 20, distributing leaflets in a number of stations warning of pickpockets. New Territories North Region also co-ordinated a five-day campaign with New Territories South and Kowloon West Regions and the KCRC.

They arranged video shows and distributed leaflets carrying similar messages to passengers at Lo Wu Station.

Meanwhile, Kwun Tong residents were advised to stay away from unscrupulous traders in Loco-London Gold and street swindlers during a campaign on September 17.

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