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Freshmen rejuvenate troubled youths

University students have been recruited by Tuen Mun District to help encourage positive values among problem teenagers.

Known as Project X, the scheme sees students befriend troubled youngsters, encouraging them to avoid bad elements and petty crime, helping them lead a positive life.

Project X was assembled by the District, Tuen Mun District Fight Crime Committee, Lingnan University and community groups concerned about youth development.

Acting Tuen Mun Police Community Relations Officer Chan Yi-ping said: "Under the project, students of Lingnan University provide counselling and other support services to problem youths to convey positive social, human relations, moral and ethical values."

The students undergo strict screening and training before they start meeting youths in their care regularly to share their experiences.

"As the students and the youths are of similar age, they can develop a closer relationship. The students help set an example for them.

"In addition, each student only looks after about two youths, so they can spend more time listening, caring and helping solve their problems in a proper and positive manner," Ms Chan said.

The students make a monthly report on the progress of each youth, and if necessary, any special needs of the youth are referred to appropriate organisations or government departments for help.

Developing steadily over the last two years, the project's results have been very encouraging with more participants joining constantly. A batch of 33 students are now being trained and it is expected some 80 students and 160 youths would have participated in the project by December 1.

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