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Multi-discipline approach embodies youngsters

Communication and co-operation among organisations and professions are the fundamentals of a project to provide care, counselling and services to youths with behavioural problems in Kowloon City District.

To assist them in their development, the District in April launched a three-year Youth Care Net to prevent youth crimes.

The net was the result of practices adopted in June last year in which anti-triad officers referred problem youths to social workers for counselling and services.

Apart from Police, participating organisations include the Social Welfare Department, secondary and primary schools, and centres for youth services in the area.

It is targeted at youths aged seven to 20, who are either under the supervision of the Superintendent's Discretion Scheme, or are students with behavioural problems referred by their schools.

Social workers counsel the youths, helping them foster better relationships with family and schools. Through specially-designed programmes, they can also take in problem-solving techniques to help them develop a positive attitude towards life and learn to socialise better.

Voluntary services and community participation activities are also arranged to encourage a healthy lifestyle and better integrate them into society.

"One of the features of the project is that it not only provides counselling to youths but also gives advice and assistance to parents to help them understand the behaviour and needs of their children and learn about effective communication and parenting," said Chief Inspector (Crime) Wong Chun-chin of Kowloon City District, who is the co-ordinator of the project.

He added that through co-operation among different professions, more comprehensive support and services could be mobilised to meet the needs of the youths. Over the past half a year since its inception, 40 youths have joined the net, with participants totalling 140, since June last year.

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