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NTN musclemen launch new fun run

Open highway: Burly B.J. Smith muscles through some slow-moving traffic along the Lam Tsuen pathway

The steamy afternoon of September 30 didn't thwart the determination of a gang of New Territories North officers taking on the inaugural Oxymoron Fun Run.

The gruelling five-kilometre race along the Lam Tsuen River featured some of the steepest hills ever and showcased plenty of the stern stuff the NTN crew were made of.

With big Chief Inspector Paul Renouf and the bigger Superintendent Dan "the Man" Lawley making up the 'bulk' of the field, the light-footed Senior Inspector Paul "Fozzie" Foster and Michael "Speed" Yip made up some of the warp-speed contingent.

Meanwhile the Regional Commander himself Ng Wai-kit and Chief Superintendent Ian Nicholson, both fresh from a Programme Management meeting, were also in no mood for compromise and put on a good show for the tough friendly event.

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