
The newspaper of the Hong Kong Police Force
ISSUE 667 November 10 to November 23, 1999

Contents Highlights:
Systems ready for 2000 rollover
Using hues to gain more clues
Cyber boost for query system
Rescue effort eases pain of the past
Guides help PCs map out their careers
LIA mourns former chairman
Triad course an 'eye-opener'
Fraud busters' work commended
Good citizens lauded for helping Police
October safety blitz raises crime awareness
PPD proving popular
In Brief
JPOA hits the Big 22
Border official visits PHQ
Tsuen Wan tributes
CP's credits
Photo Features
Dive-bombing detective!
Youngsters groomed to manage road safety towns
The Henry Shield Race, 1999
Cross-country conquerors
On your marks, get set . . .
Schoolies' soccer-fest
JPOA walk for charity
Tacklin' the triathlon
Lam Fai : 2866-4774
Linda Cheng : 2866-6172
Brendan Delfino : 2866-6173
Benny Ho: 2866-6174
Yiu Chi-fai: 2866-6174
Fax: 2866-4161
OffBeat, PPRB, 4/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai.
Internet: http://www.info.gov.hk/police
Email: offbeat@police.gcn.gov.hk
Deadline for next edition: November 16 |