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Bank boss presents plaques to CCB sleuths

Mr Ip and Ms Szeto (centre) at the presentation

A bank executive recently presented Commercial Crime Bureau officers with plaques praising their work in solving a fraud case.

Electronic Payment Services General Manager Boniface Ip presented the accolades to Woman Detective Senior Inspector Szeto Suk-fong and her team of officers on December 3, in CCB's offices at Police Headquarters.

CCB Chief Superintendent Victor Lo Yik-kee also attended the presentation. The team were thanked for bringing a swindler to justice, who was part of a syndicate using electronic skimming devices to lift data from victims' bank cards and uploading it to bogus credit cards.

Three victims were swindled of a total of almost $200,000 when the fake cards were used to take money from their accounts.

* This article is published in the English section only.
* 本文只在英文版刊登

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