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System virus attacks plummet

Previously in OffBeat we reported the scheduled deployment of Norton anti-virus software for Force computers.

The deployment has since been completed successfully with spectacular results. Successful virus attacks have dropped by over 87 per cent from July to November.

The fall has resulted in considerably fewer virus-related computer downtime cases.

Although further dramatic declines in successful virus attacks are not expected over the coming months, the number of virus-related problem reports are expected to hit zero in the medium term.

Information Technology Branch warns that a malicious virus to note is the W95.CIH, often referred to as the Chernobyl or CIH virus. However the software has been successful in thwarting the virus and others.

But ITB reminds users that ultimately they are responsible for periodic virus scans of their computers.

For more information visit the ITB POINT site, or call the Anti-Virus Administrator on 2860-2836.

* This article is published in the English section only.
* 本文只在英文版刊登

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