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Double trouble for bag-snatcher

DPT Leung Fung-shun presents Good Citizens Awards to twin brothers Kwong Tsan-kwai and Tsan-wing

A set of good-willed twins who subdued a thief were among 41 good citizens recently commended.

Identical brothers Kwong Tsan-kwai and Tsan-wing, aged 39, received Good Citizens Awards for casing and subduing a bag-snatcher who had just robbed a woman in Yau Ma Tei on February 15. The look-alikes gave chase after hearing the woman's cry when the culprit ran off with her bag. They caught and handed him over to Police with the bag.

Leung Ping-hung was given the Good Citizen of the Year Award for helping a police officer subdue a thief attempting to snatch his service revolver. Mr Leung was presented with a plaque and a cheque at the presentation ceremony at Ocean Terminal, Tsim Sha Tsui, on December 9. On September 3, a man was stopped and searched after stealing cash from a newspaper vendor in Quarry Bay. He attempted to snatch the revolver when Mr Leung, who was walking past, promptly moved in to help subdue the man. With his assistance, the culprit was arrested and charged. Mr Leung's bravery and sense of righteousness prevented anyone from being injured in the incident. The other good citizens were also presented with certificates and cheques at the ceremony.

Officiating at it were Director of Personnel and Training Leung Fung-shun, Fight Crime Committee member Cheng Sing-yip and Daniel Koo from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Cheng said that the Good Citizen Award was a success as more people were coming forward to report and help detect crimes and apprehending culprits. Since the scheme was launched in 1973, some 2,785 citizens have been awarded.

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