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Tackling the Trailwalker

Blazing trailers: IP Mark Sharp, SGT Chung Fai, SIP Rod Diaz and Ag SGT Kam Wai-hung receive their Trailwalker treats

First-timer Rod Diaz tells how he survived the wet, cold, stress and strains of this year's recent MacLehose Trailwalker event. The Police Training School Senior Inspector (Tactics) was part of the eight-member PTS team who came home a gutsy sixth among the government teams, in 22 hours. The team was one of several featuring Force members.

The prospect of competing in Trailwalker was a daunting proposition. Apart from the physiological training required, there were also psychological hurdles.

I quickly realised setting the correct pace, coupled with a realistic appreciation of one's abilities, make the distance competitor.

The PTS Trailwalker squad had the objective to finish as a team and pitched with the likes of IP Mark Sharp, SGT Chung Fai and Acting SGT Kam Wai-hung - all accomplished distance runners - I felt I literally had a mountain the climb, the only one in the team new to the event. Training involved runs over Brick Hill, and the hills known as 'The Twins' and 'Violet' behind Repulse Bay.

Come the morning of November 12 at Pak Tam Chung, we set off in the pouring rain and once we got to checkpoint two we were all pretty tired, wet and very muddy. It was a real struggle to keep our footing, all of us slipping over at least twice. It was a balance of running the flats and power-walking the hills to try and prevent injuries in the ice-rink conditions.

The strain of the first two sections were to prove important later as injuries which we could not feel at the time later painfully manifested themselves. The support team headed by Thomas Cheung Wui proved invaluable.

Next up was Ma On Shan, passing over Tate's Cairn and checkpoint four, the support brought a routine change in equipment, dollops of Vaseline and SP Danny Cheng See-hing's killer congee! A quick stretch then we were on the road again.

Towards checkpoint six, Smuggler's Ridge, I got a bad cramp in my left hamstring. A few short stops with plenty of stretching alleviated the pain somewhat but I was not in a very positive mood after being on the move 10 hours and only just past half way. After Smugglers came the 'Big Three' - Needle and Grassy Hills, and Tai Mo Shan. It was the downhill which caused all the pain on these sections. We were getting injured and delirious but the morale was maintained. Coming into checkpoint eight, at the foot of Tai Mo Shan, it was thereafter basically flat for 20 kilometres although a foot check found two large blisters and extensive swelling.

The last two sections were painful for everyone. My whole body ached, I had tendon damage to my shins and at some point sprained my ankle. We hobbled over the line at 8.30 am Saturday in a time of 22 hours, 30 minutes, missing our target of 20 hours. However we succeeded in getting all team members across the line together, a feat few others could boast.

There were times when I questioned my sanity, however it was a fantastic feeling we all conquered the gruelling course together representing PTS and the Force - 100 kilometres non-stop over the combined height of Mount Everest! The camaraderie during the event was very inspiring. Until next year . . .

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