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Danger in youths
handling police weapons?

I refer to the recent feature on the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme in OffBeat issue 669.

I write to express my surprise and dismay that juveniles and young persons are receiving firearms and tactics training at the Police Training School. I am in full support of the youth training scheme and its usefulness in the areas of personal development, confidence, leadership, discipline, etc. However, I am very concerned to see the participants are exposed, first-hand, to police weapons and tactics in a similar way to police recruits.

What assurances do serving officers have that the techniques taught to these civilians will not be used unlawfully? I believe such training, no matter how informal and enjoyable, is contrary to our interests. There are many other methods to instil the same leadership principles without compromising police officer safety. Has the "For Police use only" policy been abandoned for the sake of community relations?

Clive J. Howard
Assistant Divisional Commander (Operations)r
Kowloon City

Reply from PTS . . .

I can well appreciate Mr Howard's concern from the view point of a complete outsider to the programme. Perhaps it is now timely to point out that the weapons and tactics training being offered in the programme is very limited and little more than that offered at formation open days to perhaps hold a gun and to allow an exciting photograph to be taken.

Indeed, out of the two-week programme, only four sessions are allocated for 'Weapons Introduction' and 'FX Shooting Exercise'. In designing the programme, we have always been very mindful of the benefits and the possible drawbacks that may result, whilst at the same time allowing for some vocational relevancy to the course content in line with the philosophy behind the Youth Pre-Employment Scheme.

Any presumptions that the training given would be used unlawfully is fallacious and unfounded. Our interests as well as the safety of police officers have never been compromised. Lastly, I would like to point out that our programme is the most attractive among all the participating institutions and has always been the subject of praise from various local organisations.

Wong Pak-nin
Commandant PTS

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