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Bike beat proving effective

On the road again: Tim Sum PCs Ling and Yip aboard their machines patrolling Sha Tin park

Tin Sum officers are showing pedal power can often be better than other patrol vehicles, with two arrests since the Division's cycling team started in November.

"The man was escaping on a bike and there was no way we could have caught him if we'd not been cycling," said Police Constables Ling Tak-chung and Yip Wai-tak of Tin Sum's Patrol Sub-unit Team One who arrested an illegal immigrant on a cycling track near Mei Lam Estate, Sha Tin, on January 4.

In December, two youngsters trying to steal chained bicycles near Sha Tin Government Secondary School were also caught by officers on the bike beat. Operation and Support Sub-unit Commander Senior Inspector Cheung Tak-wa said: "The bicycle beat is essential for Tin Sum which has a large area and rising population. Officers can pair up and make use of our nine bikes to go along four designated routes which cover most of the local housing estates and villages.

"It takes about an hour to patrol a route of seven to eight kilometres, so officers can finish four to five rounds in a shift, thus considerably enhancing the police presence along the routes."

Officers can also monitor people violating bicycle-safety regulations and dish out warnings and summonses to offenders, and also respond swiftly to calls for help.

Residents and Sha Tin District Fight Crime Committee members have welcomed the two-wheeled patrols.

SIP Cheung said cycling patrol routes and frequencies would be reviewed regularly.

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