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Crime prevention boost for dragon's coming

Well-read: Handing out crime-prevention leaflets in Marine Port District

More than 160 operations to promote crime awareness were launched over the festive season, and the drive is set to continue right through the Lunar New Year.

The campaigns included distribution of pamphlets to shop owners, watchmen and housing block residents, along with pedestrians in business and shopping districts. More than 200,000 posters featuring crime-prevention tips were also distributed.

The notices were to remind people to take extra precautions during the Lunar New Year period and urge them to report any unscrupulous behaviour. Crime Prevention Bureau Superintendent Simon Roberts said more officers were being deployed in housing and commercial areas which were especially liable to extortion threats and burglaries at this time.

He said the economic climate saw criminal intimidation cases rise 35 per cent last year over 1998, to 1,320. Blackmail cases also rose 27 per cent to 576.

"Given there has been an increase in these cases in 1999, and Chinese new year being traditionally a bad time for these offences, we are warning the public to avoid being a victim," Mr Roberts said.

"Many of the intimidation cases are just youths trying to make extra cash by bullying people into buying tangerine trees for extortionate prices, or demanding lai see. That's why we need the public to report cases to Police as soon as possible so we can deal with these characters. Increased Police enforcement coupled with public vigilance and assistance certainly helps prevent and detect these crimes."

  • An anti-deception campaign was conducted by Sha Tin Division in December to raise awareness on recent cases involving the sale of fake gold ornaments, electronic chips and Chinese medicine. Most of the victims were middle-aged housewives and older women and the campaign was held close to several local bazaars.

    Meanwhile, Marine Port District recently held two crime prevention programmes. On January 8, more than 300 parents attended an anti-youth crime seminar with the Islands District Fight Crime Committee. January 15 saw a huge anti-theft drive with the distribution of about 13,000 publicity materials across islands and typhoon shelters.

    And anti-pickpocket publicity campaigns were held at Sheung Shui and Tai Po Market KCR stations on December 18. Tai Po District Commander To Ho-kee was joined by North District Fight Crime Committee chairman Chong Kam-ning and Tai Po District Fight Crime Committee member Chan Chi-chiu to help distribute leaflets and Octopus card holders to remind commuters to safeguard their property, particularly in crowded places.

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