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Kowloon East Regional Sports Day

More than 400 staff participated in the Kowloon East Regional Sports Day 1999/2000 on January 14. The 11 categories included table tennis, tenpin bowling, tug of war, seven-a-side soccer and a host of others under this year's theme of team-building activities.

Officers from seven formations battled it out for the coveted Formation Trophy, which eventually went to a triumphant Kowloon East Traffic. The team-building activities allowed participants to promote team spirit within their formations.

Officers of different ranks were divided into seven groups to take part in the seven thematic games, namely: up where we belong, ups and downs, going around in circles, team building balloons, walking octopus, life saving, and fortune balls. Prizes were presented by out-going KE Regional Commander Chan Tit-kin and Deputy RC Bonnie Smith.

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