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Police Magazine(警訊)(broadcast January 22 to 24)
Part I: 1. Deception : Long Firm Fraud
2.Murder & Robbery (NTN RN 9900 2028 & YL RN 9904 0461)
行劫及謀殺案(元朗大棠路大旗嶺 ─ 女子)
3.Murder (HH RN 9902 2334)
謀殺案(紅磡陽光廣場 ─ 女子)
Part II: 1. TAPI - Fatal (T NTS RN 9901 4304)
交通意外 ─ 致命(沙田大埔道)
2. Burglary (TST RN 9903 0334
爆竊案(尖沙咀金馬倫道 ─ 洋服店)
3. Burglary (KWC RN 9902 3033)
爆竊案(葵涌工業街 ─ 電子零件)
4. 2 TAPI - Fatal (T NTN RN 9901 3065 & 9901 3552)
Crowd Management in Lo Wu Border Control Point
兩宗交通意外 ─ 致命(屯門大興鳴琴路及元朗青山公路)
5.Special Traffic Arrangements for Millennium Walk at Island Eastern Corridor
東區走廊百萬行 ─ 交通改道
6.New Taxi Drop-off Points
7.JPC Leadership Camp D-Day

Police Report(英文警訊)(broadcast January 22 and 23)
1. Nigerian Scam Feature
2.Special Traffic Arrangements for Millennium Walk at Island Eastern Corridor
東區走廊百萬行 ─ 交通改道
3.Apply Early for Lion Dance Permit

For tapes of the above programmes, please contact PPRB's TV and Films Section on 2866-6586

* This article has an English version only.

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