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Marathonner Paul to sweat it out for young Frederick and friends

Paul Keylock of the Planning and Development Branch has been busy of late, warming up for the London marathon to ensure he can warm the hearts of the wonderful kids at the Watchdog Early Learning and Development Centre. He hopes to raise $100,000 for the school which teaches special-need children such as those with Down's Syndrome, autism and other disorders causing learning difficulties. However, he needs your help.

CIP's charity chug for kids

The "ka-ching" of cash registers will be ringing with each lengthy stride of Paul Keylock when he partakes in the up-coming London marathon - however, his "show me the money" attitude won't be for himself but for the wonderful kids of the Watchdog Early Learning and Development Centre.

The Planning and Development Branch Chief Inspector hopes to raise $100,000 for the school by running the 42-kilometre course on April 16. Patronised by first lady Betty Tung, the school specialises in teaching and training special-need children such as those with Down's Syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, language and attention deficit disorders, and visual and hearing impairment.

Sweaty Santa: CIP Paul Keylock hands out some Force goodies to elated young Brian and Yan-ming of the Watchdog school

The school is facing a $1.5 million deficit this year which the championing CIP is hoping to help offset with plenty of support for his run. He's been hard at work recently inviting sponsorship for his efforts.

With some initial support from Swire Engineering, Swire Properties, Cathay Pacific and others, Paul's looking for more backing and is appealing for donations, large or small, to help him raise his target amount.

He's already received donations from a few senior officers, and several thousand dollars have been coughed up by his colleagues in P&D Branch. OffBeat recently caught up with Paul when he went to visit the kids at the school housed in the old military hospital in Borrett Road, on February 1. And the kids were united in declaring the CIP a "champ" even before he's run an inch of the marathon.

They probably thought it was Christmas time again with Paul in his red tracksuit and sack of Police presents, handing out Force keyrings and T-shirts.

"I have two kids myself and meeting the kids at Watchdog you realise just how important schools like that are. Unfortunately there are too few of them in Hong Kong," Paul said.

"And I've always wanted to do the London marathon so I thought this would be a good opportunity to help raise some funds for this important school."

Please show your support for this worthwhile cause and help Paul help these cute kids.

All donations over $100 are tax deductible. For details on how you can help, contact CIP Keylock on 2528-1499.

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