HKI 'cultural' carnival

The traditional lion dance kicks-off proceedings
Some 200 officers thronged to Hong Kong Island Regional Headquarters in Central on February 18 for presentation ceremonies and a host of side attractions.
The fun kicked-off with the traditional lion dance and eye-dotting ceremony by HKI Regional Commander Leung Chi-bun and Deputy RC Chung Hiu-pang. Other highlights included classical Chinese music performed by Station Sergeant Yuen Ka-bik and Woman Police Constable Mak Siu-ping from Western and Wan Chai Divisions respectively.
Members of the Police Tactical Unit's Zulu Company then did their best to replicate some of their namesake's tribal dances.
The performances were followed by presentations by Mr Leung and Mr Chung to winners of the Debate and Healthy Living Campaign Competitions, before Choi Sun the God of Fortune finished off the day wishing everyone luck and handing out lai see packets.