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PIGS and proud

Candid Chief Superintendent Steve Chandler kicks-off his new series of OffBeat columns by looking at police pride.

I was reading a British newspaper recently and was sad to see fellow officers taking a beating at the hands of desperate politicians. A few paragraphs in and it was obvious the objective was a headline for the paper and publicity for the politician. As a now famous and much-quoted Hong Kong journalist once said "since when has the truth got in the way of a good story?".

Denigrating police in the desperate hope of a printed quote or photo to create the illusion of genuine concern is not new. However, the issue was the suggestion many front-line UK officers were demoralised and talking of quitting. Reading extracts from purported interviews, they did not seem to have pride, integrity and guts, or PIG, an acronym which I believe well-describes our work.

As a profession, members give far more than they receive, and though officers do not actively seek recognition for good work, it would be nice if 'wannabe' politicians and headline-hungry editors thought more about the positives.

When talking about parents recently my son stood tall and said to his friends with obvious pride "my dad's a policeman". He knew what I did and more importantly, what I was. Which brings me to the focus of my missive - if the media and politicians cannot openly express their pride in the Police, then it is left to us.

A few months ago, I attended a function at which a number of officers were present and five really stood out - the only people wearing a Force tie. I gravitated to them and asked why they all wore the same one "Stanley market?" I suggested. I was met with a look of pride and the comment "Hong Kong Police".

The five, although off duty and attending a private function, were proud to be officers and proud of their organisation. I focused back to a colleague's funeral at which the widow requested Force members wear a Police tie rather than a black one, as it would make him proud.

These people were not alone. I too was proud of being a Force member and I made a decision that day to wear a Force tie whenever I attended functions.

I know many readers will say it's silly - "such attire will not go with an upwardly mobile designer suit". What bull. So what if I'm not colour co-ordinated or have an acceptable ensemble to be considered upwardly mobile? I am a Hong Kong Police officer - a PIG with Pride, Integrity, Guts and I'm proud of it. Are you?

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