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Sha Tin improvements rolling on

SIP Wilson Ng shows a cell check alarm

Sha Tin Police Station has taken on a number of successful measures to improve its working environment and enhance the efficiency and well being of its staff to help better serve customers.

One of the three Customer Service Improvement Project trial stations, Sha Tin has seen a revamp of its report room shift system among its achievements, carried out by Senior Inspector Wilson Ng Tak-shing and his 12-member Work Improvement Team.

"After a consultation exercise with all staff concerned, we tried six options in four months before adopting one which was equally acceptable to management, report room and the patrol sub-unit staff," he said.

"The new shift system is much more flexible and since officers always work in the same team, it helps foster better team spirit and sense of belonging conducive to quality service. What's more, the system facilitates officers in leave taking which I think is beneficial to their private and family lives. So everybody is impressed by this all-win system."

The Team improved the room's working environment by purchasing items such as user-friendly filing cabinets, and alarm clocks to ensure regular cell checks.

Report room Duty Officer Station Sergeant Wu Wai-kee said: "You just cannot imagine how useful these seemingly trivial gadgets can be to our day-to-day work. A man recently attempted to harm himself in a cell and the situation could have been much worse if not for the alarm clock which reminded us to check up on him on an unusually hectic day."

Members of the Team were eager to see how new developments in the IT field could also benefit policing work.

They have made 22 suggestions to the Information Technology Bureau who have welcomed the ideas.

Sha Tin Divisional Commander Helen Kwong Chen-mee said: "Fighting crime tops our priority list. We keep reviewing the crime situation in our Division and set a ceiling for monthly crime figures and make every effort to achieve our goal. In addition to stepping up routine policing work, we are also determined to harness strong community support.

"As far as crime prevention is concerned, we should not rely solely on the work of Police Community Relations Officers. Officers in different ranks are assigned and encouraged to go out to meet the public and get a better idea of Sha Tin's policing needs and foster a better partnership with the local community in fighting crime."

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