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Cliffhanger unstuck
through speedy PC

(This letter was sent to CP Eddie Hui)

At 11 pm on April 14 in heavy fog and rain, our car careered down a slope near the Peak. Luckily, it bogged a little into mud on the roadside and did not slide straight down.

At a time when we were desperately helpless, an officer came to our assistance despite the terrible weather. He advised us on how to prevent the car from sliding further and called a tow truck.

In such weather conditions, even the truck had great difficulty pulling out our car. However, they persevered until the painful exercise was completed. We would like to express our greatest gratitude and appreciation for his professional, responsible, dedicated and excellent service and public assistance.

Au Yeung Siu-cheung

(Editor's note: The officer was Police Constable Lau Wai-man of Patrol Sub-unit Four, Central Division.)

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