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Outstanding young police awarded

DCP MAN meets the outstanding young people

Twenty five Junior Police Officers and 239 Junior Police Call members participating in the Hong Kong Award for Young People were presented Bronze Awards by Deputy Commissioner (Management) Tsang Yam-pui August 16.

The ceremony at the Police Sports and Recreation Club also saw 16 Award instructors presented with Certificates of Appreciation by Assistant Commissioner (Training) Yip Kwok-keung. Some of them were serving police officers while others were volunteers who assisted in the organisation of various training courses.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Tsang said: "The aim of the Award is to encourage young people to reach out to the world, keep fit and develop their interests and potential. I would like to congratulate the 264 award winners whole-heartedly, hoping that they will continue their efforts to achieve more awards in the future."

The Award, previously called the Duke of Edinburgh Award, has been helping young people for nearly 40 years. Participants are awarded if they successfully complete specified activities in skills, service, expedition and physical recreation categories.

A two-day workshop for expedition instructors organised by Kowloon West Region HKAYP Operating Authority, was held in Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp in Tai Po on June 24 and 25.

Over 30 volunteer instructors and officers joined the workshop and found it very useful.

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