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Quit your bad driving habits

Police Driving School Sergeant Leung Tat-wing recently attended a seminar on environmentally-friendly motoring organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council. Here, he passes on some tips.

Vehicles cause different kinds of pollution so we should think of different ways to reduce the environmental damage caused.

1. Reducing wastage of resources

Careful driving helps limit resource wastage. Traffic accidents waste a lot of time, manpower and other resources dealing with medical treatment, liability and maintenance.

2. Reducing air pollution

Good driving habits and better understanding of car performance can reduce emissions. Before driving off, save fuel and time by planning your route ahead and not revving the engine unnecessarily. During the journey, do not be impatient - calmly follow vehicles in front and comply to the Two-second Rule. Brake and accelerate gently to maintain smooth travel. After stopping the vehicle, switch off the engine if parked for a long time. Do not push the accelerator constantly, such as while waiting for traffic signals.

3. Reducing noise pollution

Do not: Beep the horn or rev the engine unnecessarily; turn your car stereo up loud; or, use a muffler falling short of the vehicle's specification.

Remember, an important part of being a good driver is contributing to environmental protection.

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