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Pedestrian safety blitz

Regional Road Safety Teams and Road Safety Patrols mounted a fortnight-long, Force-wide pedestrian safety operation on August 13, to help continue falling fatality rates.

Some 37 pedestrians died in traffic accidents in the first half of the year, down 30 per cent over the same period last year.

To ensure figures fall further, the two-phase Hong Kong-wide campaign was launched emphasising education and rigorous enforcement. Road safety leaflets and souvenirs were distributed at 113 locations. While enforcement operations covered blackspots such as King's, Hennessy and Connaught Roads on Hong Kong Island, Ngau Tau Kok and Po Lam Roads, and Hip Wo Street in Kowloon East, Argyle and Shanghai Streets and Cheung Sha Wan Road in Kowloon West, Sha Tsui and Hing Fong Roads and Chuen Lung Street in New Territories South, and Tai Po Tai Wo, Castle Peak and Sha Tau Kok Roads in New Territories North.

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