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Civil Service head visits PHQ

VIP visit: Senior officers welcome SCS Joseph Wong to Police Headquarters

Secretary for the Civil Service Joseph Wong Wing-ping visited Police Headquarters on August 17. He was met by Acting Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui, Acting Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Dick Lee Ming-kwai, Director of Finance, Administration and Planning Keith Kwok Ka-keung, Director of Personnel and Training Leung Fung-shun, and Director of Crime and Security Louis Lau Chun-sing.

He also met representatives of police staff associations before visiting the Hong Kong Island Regional Command and Control Centre where he was briefed by HKI Regional Commander Leung Chi-bun and Superintendent Tang Cheuk-wing.

Mr Wong's visit, so soon after his taking up the SCS post, was greatly welcomed by both management and staff. It provided an opportunity to discuss matters relating to the Civil Service Reforms and conditions of service such as the 48-hour working week.

During the discussions, Mr Wong expressed his appreciation of the hard work and excellent performance of the Force and praised its contribution to the maintenance of law and order. He also listened attentively to the views expressed by management and staff, and undertook to review them.

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