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Kudos fest in KW

RC KW M. Stradmoor and her commended officers

Kowloon West Regional Commander M. Stradmoor presented Commanding Officer's Commendations to six officers July 27 for their outstanding performances.

Woman Inspector Lam Man-han and Senior Police Constable Li Chak-fai of Yau Tsim District, and Sergeant Tang Siu-keung (who has since transferred to Kwai Tsing District) were praised for their excellent performance in detecting a drug trafficking case in which the mastermind was jailed for 20 years.

Yau Tsim Senior Inspector Ronald Cowieson was also hailed for his outstanding work in a murder investigation.

Woman Sergeant Yeung Pick-chun (then Sham Shui Po District Police Community Relations Officer) and former Yau Tsim District Executive Officer Leung Suk-ting were also praised at the ceremony.

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