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Hands free queries

As one of the few 'hands on' officers in the Force who has the extraordinary benefit of being in possession of a Force Mobile Radio Telephone (FMRT), I would be most grateful to know when the hands-free option will be made available to us. Being subject to urgent call outs, the hands-free equipment is a must to conform to the recent Force instructions! Are there any plans to supply FMRT holders with such??

Bruce Hawkins, Chief Inspector
Regional Crime Unit Two
New Territories South

From ACP (IS) . . .

I'm glad your correspondent considers himself "hands on". So do we in Information Systems Wing.

Providing hands-free equipment for all officers with official mobile phones has been the subject of lengthy discussion as to the business case. Equipment built into officers' private cars is not on. The cost would be prohibitive and mobile phone models change. We are still looking at the earphone approach.

We will also revisit the scale of provision of official mobile phones on personal issue. This is currently 'operational SP' and up. Incidentally, it would be helpful if your correspondent could advise how many times over the last year he has been "subject to urgent call outs" whilst driving his private car?

Peter Halliday
Assistant Commissioner
(Information Systems)

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