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Baggage check
(This letter was sent to Wan Chai District Commander Lee Siu-kin)
I write to congratulate you on the impressive, prompt and courteous service rendered by your officers in recovering a bag left in a taxi by a guest on June 23.
The unparalleled action taken by your officers has once again reassured visitors to Hong Kong that our city is one of the safest places to travel and visit.
Kindly convey my gratitude to all the officers concerned. They, together with yourself, deserve compliments on a job well done.
George Ng
General Manager
The Wesley Hong Kong
(Editor's Note: The hotel guest got a receipt from the taxi driver labelling the vehicle's registration number. Station Sergeant Cheng Chi-kin, Sergeant Lam Shu-tung and Police Constable Li Man-lung of Wan Chai Division located the taxi driver through the Transport Department computer system and recovered the luggage.)
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