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Mergers proving successful

D OPS Dick Lee speaks at the function

Implementing the Police Station Amalgamation Project in Tuen Mun and Yuen Long has strengthened coverage and emergency response in the Districts.

This was the message from Director of Operations Dick Lee Ming-kwai who addressed Sha Tin Rotary Club members at a luncheon on November 29. He told the gathering the project was initiated in selected Districts to cope with development and population growth.

The merger started in June last year with Tai Hing Division successfully merged with Tuen Mun and Castle Peak Divisions, streamlining Tuen Mun District from three Divisions to two.

"The project, which aims to achieve more flexible and effective frontline deployment and savings in management costs, is in line with the Government's Enhanced Productivity Programme. However, no police stations will be closed as a result," Mr Lee said.

"The modernised beat system, the re-organised crime investigation teams and the various strengthened Uniform Branch sub-units are now functioning in a more efficient and flexible manner."

The old Tai Hing Station was now being used as the New Territories North Emergency Unit west operational base, in the heart of its service area. Yet Tai Hing's reporting facility has remained.

"Since the commissioning of the west operational base and through other initiatives, the capacity of the Unit to respond to emergency calls has increased from 1,015 and 978 for the first two quarters of 1999 respectively, to 3,785 and 3,826 for the first two quarters of this year," Mr Lee said.

"The average response time has improved from 6 minutes 35 seconds, to 5 minutes 41 seconds."

Other units such as Accident Investigation Teams, Enforcement and Control Units, and the Quick Reaction Force would soon use the building also, as their second operational base. When fully occupied by mid next year, around 350 Uniform Branch officers from all these units would be operating in the area.

"We expect the Project in Tuen Mun District can achieve a saving of $8.4 million in the 2001-2002 financial year," Mr Lee said.

The merging of Lau Fau Shan Sub-Division staff with their Tin Shui Wai colleagues in May this year was another good example of coping with developments in the New Territories.

Noting Hung Hom and Ho Man Tin Divisions would soon be merged, Mr Lee said the streamlining of Kowloon City District from three Divisions to two was necessary with the re-development of the old airport site and other changes in the area.

The old Hung Hom Police Station would become an operational base for Traffic Kowloon West, while its reporting facilities would remain with the setting up of the Tai Wan Shan Reporting Centre.

"The Kowloon City exercise will greatly enhance police coverage as the patrol beats in the District will increase from 63 to 65. Meanwhile, police can achieve about $10 million in savings per year in administration and management costs," Mr Lee said.

"As Eastern and Sha Tin Districts will also experience a drastic change in urban development, the Project will be extended to these in 2002.

"Police will take into consideration all views passed by the local community before the Project comes to its final chapter in these Districts."

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