Mong Kok re-launch!

DCP OPS Peter Wong opens the ceremony
Scores of visitors sampled the new-look Mong Kok Police Station on December 9, taking in all the pomp and colour of its grand rebirth.
The ceremony opening the brand new Report Room, also served as an open day for the public to sample the station's great new facilities.
Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Peter Wong Tsan-kwong officiated at the event, which saw lion dances, the crushing of obscene VCDs, games stalls and public tours of the new facilities. He was joined by Kowloon West Regional Commander M. Stradmoor, Mong Kok District Commander Ronald Fok Man-kwan, Deputy Director of Home Affairs Agnes Allcock and Ip Kwok-chung, Vice Chairman of Yau Tsim Mong District Council and Chairman of Yau Tsim Mong District Fight Crime Committee.
Mr Ip was among the 12 Committee members who were appointed honorary advisors to the Customer Service Improvement Project during the ceremony. They will offer feedback and pass on public opinion on the station's services.
Works at Mong Kok began in October last year, and the facelift includes a mechanical platform for wheelchair access and specialised audio equipment for the hearing impaired.
Mr Wong told gatherers that the improvements would allow for simpler report making, provide a more comfortable environment with professional and courteous service, and provide staff with better facilities.
"The overall goal of the Project is, however, not only to make physical improvements to the station's environment, but to indoctrinate every single police officer with the values of providing quality services to the public. This service-oriented culture is essential in coping with the increasing needs of society," Mr Wong said.