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Ma On Shan marathon!

Leaving Ma On Shan Police Station, the hikers hit the trail

Over 80 officers hit the hills on December 16 and 17 for the Police Adventure Club's 24th Mountain Marathon.

The two-day mountaineering competition saw 40 teams scale the heights of the New Territories' hills hauling their own equipment and orientating checkpoints to complete the 50-kilometre event from Ma On Shan to Lei Muk Shue, with an overnight camp. The event's difficulty caught many by surprise, particularly the freshmen, with 30 per cent of participants unable to finish either through lack of fitness or by simply getting lost.

Police Sports Council Chairman Harry Blud presented the trophies after the event, with Poon Fok-chiu and Leung Yat coming home first in seven hours, 29 minutes.

PAC Chairman Li Hong-man said: "The Force encourages healthy activities, but much more than that, MM is a challenge where participants co-operate with their partners to find their own route over the mountain."

Route planner and Committee member Station Sergeant Kong Kin-chung said: "Ma On Shan is really tough on some people so we put the hill at the beginning so all could pass it, to keep the event running safely."

SSGT Yip Kam-man in the seniors category, said: "You could not imagine how hard it was, we nearly climbed up every hill along the route! You might not win even if you are fit as you must also have strategy, a clear mind, responsibility and co-operation with your partner. It's different to a marathon, it's a lifetime sport!"

Freshman, Police Constable Chu Kong, said: "I like mountaineering. Apart from relaxation, it builds my confidence, willpower, spirit of co-operation and leadership, which benefits my police work."

The event was recently given the higher 'B Grade' classification by the PSC, putting it on par with the Dowman Race. Former Council Chairman Lionel Lam Kin said: "It is an acknowledgement for everyone who made the event so successful, and encouraging for Force members to join such healthy activities."

Meanwhile, the Raleigh Mountain Marathon 2001 is set for March 3 and 4, and is open to the public. Call 8209-2909 for details.