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2001 Police Welfare Fund Sponsorship
Overseas Summer Programmes for Children of Police Officers

The Police Welfare Fund will be sponsoring 15 children of police officers (JPOs and Inspectors) to take part in the following overseas summer programmes organised by the AFS Intercultural Exchanges in 2001:

Programme Country/Date Age Requirement(as at start of programme) Fee Sponsored Places
Intensive English Language Australia 1 July to 12 August 2001 15 to 18 years old HK$25,000 3
Cultural Exchange and Homestay New Zealand 30 June to 5 August 2001 15 to 18 years old HK$23,000 5
Environmental Work Camp and Homestay Switzerland 30 June to 12 August 2001 16 to 19 years old HK$23,000 4
Youth Conservation Work Camp and Homestay United Kingdom 9 July to 17 August 2001 17 to 21 years old HK$23,000 3

How to apply:

Eligibility: - Full-time secondary and tertiary school children of JPOs and Inspectorate officers meeting the respective age requirements of the programmes
- Priority will be accorded to children with no overseas experience
Allocation of Sponorship: Inspectorate officers 2 places
JPOs 13 places
PWF Sponsorship: Application fee and 75% of programme fee
Selection of Candidate: - By an open ballot at PSRC on 24 February 2001 (Saturday) at 4:00 pm to be attended by all applicants or their authorised representatives.
- The ballot will set priority for the applicants. The first 15 names drawn will be referred to AFS, the programme organiser for selection assessment.
Details of Programme and Assessing the Candidate: Please see PEN message
Application Deadline: (Late applications will NOT be accepted.) 22 February 2001 (Thursday) to reach: CSP PS (Attn: EO PS 2)
Hong Kong Police Force Personnel Services Branch 1/F, Dominion Centre,43-59 Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong
Enquiry: PSB Hotline 2804-1111

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