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Hair today, wet tomorrow

I refer to your article "Reminiscent reunion" in a recent OffBeat issue and to the reference to Station Sergeant Chiu Sau-sum. I have a delightful story involving SSGT Chiu, which I shall call the Tale of the Hare and the Hair. In late 1976 I was SDI Shau Kei Wan when SGT Chiu (as he was then) was transferred in from the Police Training School. As was the norm, the new arrival landed the night shift.

At that time we were having a spate of early morning armed robberies in the vicinity of the Shau Kei Wan Ferry Pier beside the typhoon shelter. SGT Chiu and a bright, extremely keen, young Police Constable were instructed to change into plainclothes for the last part of the night shift and to lay an ambush for the robber.

As luck, and good police work, would have it, the robber struck again and a chase ensued. The young PC (the Hare) took off in pursuit followed by SGT Chiu (the Hair). The robber, in an attempt to escape, took a flying leap into the filthy typhoon shelter and started to swim away. To prevent the escape, without hesitation the Hare likewise jumped into the water. But when in the water the Hare realised he could not swim and called for help.

Meanwhile, using the opportunity, the robber swam away and came ashore about 50 yards away between two wooden huts, straight into the arms of the Hair who was totally dry - not even wet feet. Having secured the prisoner the Hair then arranged for a little old lady in her sampan to go and save the sodden, dishevelled, erstwhile arresting officer, the Hare.

When I enquired of the Hair why he had not followed the Hare into the water he gave me a wry smile and said "PTS training, Sir".

Oh yes - the identity of the Hare. It remains a secret, as he is now a Senior Superintendent in Police Headquarters!

Morgan Majurey
Retired SSP

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