
The newspaper of the Hong Kong Police Force
ISSUE 698 Mar 7 to Mar 20, 2001

Contents Highlights:
Two-pronged strategy to boost communication
Police performance positive, staff say
Highlights of improvements gained from the 1999 survey
New motorcycle for Traffic
New caps head for trial
More eyes to detect IIs
Knives no match for spirited Kwai Chung team
SGT Tang's courageous career
Thai Interpol conference
KE officers' sleepless stakeout
Kids' zest for EUKW!
POLICE in brief
In Brief
SCDS visits PHQ
Eastern awards
Personnel presentations
Photo Features
Expert effort quells explosive shells
Cheung Chau facelift unveiled
Canine drug trackers graduate
Sports Awards 2000 presented
Officers top shooting comp
Shing Mun charity stroll
Ten pin titans!
Your chance to squash the competition!
Healthy Lifestyles
New PSG series:
Trauma and Police Work
- When disaster strikes . . .
Bulletin Board
Your special day at the POC
Overseas summer study ballot results
Police TV Programmes
Your support is crucial!
All tranquil on the Riviera
Good work evaded traffic chaos
Considerate care appreciated
PPRB's replies to the media
Linda Cheng: 2866-6171
Winnie Ngan: 2866-6172
Brendan Delfino: 2866-6173
Benny Ho: 2866-6174
Almon Suen: 2866-6174
Fax: 2866-4161
OffBeat, PPRB, 4/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai.
Internet: http://www.info.gov.hk/police
Email: sio-off-beat-pprb@police.gov.hk
Deadline for next edition: Mar 13 |