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POLICE in brief

Eastern District's Paul Hung and Stuart McDouall with the scouts, Elsie Leung and other guests

A North Point alley gets cleaned up

The training camp in Huangpu

North Point Division joined the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and Hong Kong East District Lands Office on April 24, to clear local alleys of obstructions and illegal structures that could provide cover for burglars and other criminals.

The officers also reminded the public to boost security against rear lane crimes.

  • Over 300 guests including Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung, Eastern District Commander Paul Hung Hak-wai and a number of dignitaries attended Eastern Optimistic Scout Group's fund raising ball in a Hong Kong Island hotel on April 21.

    The event saw performances by the Police Band, Junior Police Call members and several local entertainers, a magic show and a lucky draw.

    The ball was a huge success and some $100,000 was raised for organising activities for the Group.

    It was set up since last year as an education programme for youths.

    Officers from the District join social workers to meet the scouts regularly to help them build their self-esteem and sense of responsibility.

  • Some 70 members of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP), Kowloon East Region, comprising officers from Wong Tai Sin, Kwun Tong and Sau Mau Ping Districts as well as Junior Police Call members, visited a Huangpu youth training camp in Guangzhou from April 13 to 16.

    Participants learned the importance of discipline, team spirit and co-operation through participation in a number of activities.

    These included cross-country races, boxing and other healthy exercises.

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