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PPRB's replies to the media

Responding to a newspaper report on the latest publicity approach for road safety, a press release was issued April 20, reiterating that photograph exhibits of traffic accident scenes left viewers with a lasting impression of their serious consequences and had proven very effective in other countries in deterring accidents and promoting safety.

The release said photos would be carefully selected before exhibition and appropriate advice given to viewers. The exhibits would also be restricted to those over 18.

  • A press release was issued refuting reports in some papers that a dead man found in Kwun Tong on April 20, had been a witness to a crime being investigated by the OCTB. It said no suspicious circumstances had been detected.

  • A press release was issued debunking press reports that photocopied Police warrant cards seized from a Wan Chai sauna parlour on April 18, were connected with money borrowing or acceptance of advantages. It said no evidence to support the claim had been found.

  • A letter was a sent to a Chinese-language paper rejecting its April 16 report claiming officers with unmanageable debts increased from 300 in 1999 to 400 last year. It clarified the figures were 177 and 202 respectively.

    * More details on these replies can be found on PEN

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