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BU students join the youth crime fight

KC DC Peter Burbidge-King makes the presentation

Some 18 Baptist University students have been recruited to assist Kowloon City District in combating juvenile crime. The students will keep in touch with young offenders in the Superintendent's Discretion Scheme or 'youths at risk' referred from Youth Care Net (a local concern group), schools and Police formations.

The students were recruited under the Peer Mentor Scheme launched on June 13 in a ceremony at the university, where they were presented appointment letters recognising their enthusiasm and support. The programme will last a year and continue subject to evaluation reports prepared by the university.

Officiating guests included KC District Commander Peter Burbidge-King and KC Chief Social Welfare Officer Choy Siu-ming.The programme was established with the co-operation and support of KC District, by the university, KC District Fight Crime Committee, Youth Care Net and the Education Department.

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