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Response from a police officer

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(Translated summary of a Chinese - language letter featured in OffBeat edition 711)

I have many comments to make following reading a column in the Hong Kong Economic Times on August 31 regarding Police officers' misconduct.

The columnist quoted three incidents that he had witnessed: a Police driver smoking inside a Police vehicle; several Police officers using foul language loudly while having breakfast in a restaurant; and a Police officer eating fish balls while walking along the street.

Those officers involved in the above-mentioned cases were on-duty uniformed frontline officers. Their misbehaviour both damaged the Force's image and disappointed members of the public. The public may even lose confidence regarding law and order of Hong Kong because of the improper acts of a few officers.

We all understand that frontline officers are under a lot of pressure in carrying out their duties, however, our work is meaningful because we are responsible for maintaining law and order in Hong Kong. Therefore, we should take the columnist's criticisms seriously.

The article helped me realise that members of the public pay special attention to the actions and words of every Police officer and therefore we must always behave ourselves.

Someone may think that it is usual for men to swear. However, if a Police officer swears in a public place, it will definitely leave the public with a bad impression and embarrass the Force.

To maintain a positive image of the Force, I try to always observe Police discipline and behave properly.

Sergeant Chan Kit-lee

* English version only.

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